Indigenous Data Sovereignty
Chiefs of Ontario- FNIGC Regional Partner
Address: 468 Queen St E #400, Toronto, ON M5A
Phone: (416) 597-1266
Fax: (416)597 -8365
Website: chiefs-of-ontario.org
Union of New Brunswick Indians
Address: 75 Melissa St, Richibucto Road NB E3A 6V9
Phone: (506)-458-9444
Fax: (506)-458-2850
Dene Nation, Denendeh National Office ( NWT) - Sub Office
Address: Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P7 - PO Box - 2338
Phone: 1-(867)-873-4081
Email: admin@denenation.com
Union of Nova Scotia Indians
Address: 201 Churchill Drive – Suite 304 Membertou, Nova Scotia Canada B1S 0H1
Phone: (902) 539-4107
Fax: (902) 564-2137
Email: info@unsm.org
FN of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Service Commission
Address: 250, place Chef Michel Laveau, room 102 Wendake, Quebec, G0A 4V0
Phone: (418) 842-1540
Email: info@cssspnql.com
Fax: (418) 842-7045
Website: https://cssspnql.com/
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations
Address: 100-103A Packham Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7N 4K4
Phone: 306.665.1215
Email: info@fsin.com
Fax: 306.244.4413
Website: https://www.fsin.ca/
Australia Research Council
Address: GPO Box 2702, CANBERRA ACT 2601
Phone: + 61 2 6287 6600
Email: info@arc.gov.au
Website: https://www.arc.gov.au/
National Health and Medical Research Council
Address: 16 Marcus Clarke St,Canberra ACT 2601 & 414 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 064 672, international number +61 2 6217 9000
Email : nhmrc@nhmrc.gov.au.
Website : https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Archive
Address: UTS Central (Building 2, Level 10) 61 Broadway Ultimo NSW 2007
Email: atsida@uts.edu.au
Website: https://www.atsida.edu.au/
Wingara Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Sovereignty Group
Twitter: @IDSovOZ
Email: contact@maiamnayriwingara.org
Website: https://www.maiamnayriwingara.org/
United States of America
National Institute of Health ( NIH)
Address: 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Phone: 301-496-4000
Twitter: @NIH
Website: https://www.nih.gov/
US Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network (USIDSN)
Contact: Contact Us - USIDSN
Website: https://usindigenousdata.org/